
Abraham named the place Yahweh-Yireh (which means “the Lord will provide”). To this day, people still use that name as a proverb: “On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.” – Genesis 22:14, NLT

I can’t image the inner turmoil Abraham experienced back in Genesis 22:7-8. His miracle son asks his father where the sacrificial lamb is. Abraham’s answer is simply, “God will provide the lamb.” We know what’s going to happen but Abraham didn’t have that luxury.

The walk to the mountain must have been unbearable for Abraham. Building the altar and placing the wood must have been unthinkable. And now Abraham places his son, his only son on the altar and raises his knife high.

We see in Hebrews 11 Abraham reasoned God could raise his son from the grave. After all, it was a miracle Abraham and Sarah had Isaac in the first place. But I don’t think that made things easier as Abraham stood there with his knife held high. Then the moment of relief comes. The ram caught in the thicket is revealed and becomes the answer to what Abraham unknowingly prophesied back in verse 8.

As you take an unbearable walk of your own to unknown mountains, remember to walk in faithfulness and obedience because the Lord will provide!