Do I Dare Ask?

“All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” — Matthew 19:20

In Matthew 19 we find an account of a rich young ruler talking to Jesus. First he asks what he must do to earn eternal life and Jesus answers him. The rich young ruler isn’t satisfied with the answer so he asked Jesus the follow up question in today’s passage: “What do I still lack?”

As you well know we serve a God Who is very much alive. And because of that fact when you ask God a question, you may get an answer whether you really wanted one or not. The question the rich young ruler asked in today’s passage is a question that I believe is important for every Christian to ask every so often. Sometimes the question could be rephrased like: “Am I still in Your will?”

Today I’d like you to ask God what you still lack. You might have something you need to change pop into your head right away or maybe it will come a few days or weeks down the road. You might even have a close friend bring something up. Whatever the case is, don’t respond like the rich young ruler who walked away sad.

Originally posted January 7, 2010.