
The LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Then Moses would return to the camp, but his young aide Joshua son of Nun did not leave the tent. — Exodus 33:11

When Moses was leading Israel through the dessert they had something called the tent of meeting. There God’s presence would rest and Moses would talk to God face to face. Sounds cool right? But I want you to focus on the last part of the verse. What does it mean when it says Joshua didn’t leave the tent?

My study Bible has a note that says Joshua probably had a task to guard the tent against intrusion by others. I personally disagree with that. One very important thing to realize is that commentaries and study notes are not always God inspired. The same thing could be argued about these devotionals I’m writing.

In Act 17:11 the Bereans were commended because they searched the scriptures with great eagerness to find out if everything Paul said was true. Personally I believe that Joshua never left the tent because he was enjoying the presence of God. I encourage you to search the scriptures as you read these devotionals to make sure everything is true.

Originally posted January 1, 2010.