Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. — John 17:24
Imagine hitting it off with someone only to find out that they are being shipped off to war the next day. You really like this person even though you just met them and you think things between you could work. You receive a letters from this person while they are away at war. You read and re-read those letters. Everyday you pray that they are safe and that they will return home quickly.
I would dare to say that the situation described above is probably not love. It’s probably only to the level of liking or maybe really liking or at most very immature love. Image the power of mature love.
1 John 4 tells us that God is love. He is perfect love. He is the model for what love looks like. Jesus’s prayer right before He went to the cross in John 17:24 was for those that were given to Him to be with Him where He is. Just think about what that is an invitation to. Love was the reason that Jesus died on the cross so that we could have intimate fellow with the God. I guess I could say I misspoke early because God loves you more than you could know!
Originally posted January 17, 2010.