Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We are going with you also.” They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing. – John 21:3, NKJV
Just prior to John 21, Jesus died, rose from the grave, and appeared to his disciples. Then there was a period of silence and waiting. That’s where today’s verse picks up. Some commentaries say in verse 3 the disciples were walking away from the ministry. If I was in the disciples’ shoes, it’s hard to say that I wouldn’t walk away and go back to something I know.
The disciples spend all night fishing and have nothing to show for it. Some random guy on the shore has the audacity to ask what they caught and tells them what they should have tried (v4-6). Strangely these expert fishermen follow the stranger’s advice and end up with the catch of a lifetime (v6). One of the disciples recognized the stranger was actually Jesus so Peter jumps overboard and swims to shore. What a great story, right? The problem is we miss out on more if we stop here.
Roughly three years prior we see a similar story unfold. In Luke 5 Peter spends all night fishing without getting a single fish and Jesus tells him to try again (v5). The result is the catch of a lifetime (v6). How does Peter respond? Depart from me, for I am a sinful man (v8). Another way of saying it is, “Don’t look at me until I clean up the junk in my life. Then I’ll be more worthy.”
There’s one more story we need to look at before we finish to see the progression of Peter and it happened between these other two. It’s found in Matthew 14. Jesus sent the disciples off ahead of Him (v22). The disciples see Him walking on the water and they think He’s a ghost (v25-26). Jesus calms them down (v27). Peter’s response found in verse 28 and 29 is what I want us to look at. “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come and I will.” Jesus says come and Peter hops out of the boat and walks on the water.
I don’t know about you but this really give me hope. God can take an ordinary fisherman with a really cool name and take him from a place of self pity, doubt, & insecurity (Luke 5) to a place where he’s willing to jump out of a boat as long as there’s confirmation (Matthew 14) to a place where he has enough confidence that he’ll immediately jump out of the boat (John 21).