He replied, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” — John 9:25
It used to really bother me in English class when the teacher would ask a question where they wanted to know what you thought about what someone else was thinking but then they would say you were wrong when you answered. An example might be, “Why do you think the author was trying to symbolize with the color red?” By the nature of the question, any answer I give is correct because it’s asking what I think. I could say that I didn’t think the author was trying to symbolize anything and be correct.
Now let’s say that you’re sharing your faith with someone. You tell them some verses and they flat out tell you that they don’t believe that. Now what?
Ephesians 2:8 tells us that we are saved by grace. No where does the Bible say that we can win someone over to God with a good argument. In fact 2 Timothy 2:23 tells us to stay away from foolish and stupid arguments. There is one thing you can share that no one can argue and that’s your personal testimony.
If you read the rest of the account in John 9 you will find that Jesus healed a man who was blind from birth. The Pharisees try to get the man who was blind to say that Jesus was a sinner but the man responded in a way that the Pharisees couldn’t argue. He said, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”
Next time you’re sharing your faith, share all the amazing things God has done for you.
Originally posted January 16, 2010.