Hidden Treasures

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. – Matthew 13:44, NKJV

Have you ever found yourself whining to God? One day that is exactly where I found myself but to my surprise God responded.

I was reading today’s verse while complaining how it didn’t make sense. I get how I’m the treasure and how You gave up everything. The detail which really bothered me was the man in the parable hid the treasure. God if you’re the man in the parable, why are you hiding the treasure? You’re not so insecure or powerless that you need to hide it. In the midst of my whining and complaining, God responded with His still small voice.

“You’re not the treasure.”

I don’t know what shocked me more that God responded or that I wasn’t the treasure. How am I not the treasure? Look at the parable of the pearl of great price right after this one. How am I not the treasure?

“You’re not the treasure. You are the field. The treasure is your potential, every gift and every talent hidden inside of you. It’s everything that makes you so unique and special. You are the field. There are rocks and trees in the field, things that get in the way but I still bought the field. I bought it all and we’re going to clear the field together.”

I sat in shock realizing I really am more like the field than the treasure in the parable but that’s what gives me hope. God knowing everything good and bad about me, would still choose all of me and He chooses all of you too.